Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fuse box

Next up: removing the fuse box. Shot from the front...
...and of the back.
First order of business is to detach that cylindrical piece.
"Blinkgeber" translates as "flasher". "Nicht werfen!" translates as "do not throw!" I imagine there's another meaning to that... :/
To free up the fuse box, the plate around the right side has to be removed. Just a couple of bolts need removing and it slides right out.
Now that the box is free, it's time to spend a good little while unscrewing about twenty screws, making sure not to lose any, and detaching all the leads. Fun!
Front and back of removed box. I did spy the fuse box cover in a box of loose parts that my cousin sent along with the car, so I'll be digging that out and storing it with the box itself.

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