Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Latest and greatest

No posts in the past few weeks, as there has been nothing to post on.

The Merc has been sitting out in front of the shop for the past few weeks, with absolutely zero progress. The tank was removed, and was never sent out to be cleaned and coated. The carbs were removed, but never disassembled, cleaned and rebuilt.

Today, I went down to the shop, settled up on the labor costs for what WAS done (tank/carb removal) and the cost of the carb kit, and collected various bits (keys, loose knobs). I'm waiting on a call from the shop owner to let me know that he has collected the other bits and placed them in the trunk of the car, so I can call AAA and have the car towed back to my townhouse.

A complete waste of two months. But, I did learn some things about the car in the process. So at least there's that.

Current plan is, once the car is back in my garage, to start taking it apart, bagging and tagging everything, and to get the body/chassis to a point I can have them taken to a shop and get all the paint/etc. stripped off.

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