Friday, November 20, 2009

More photos.

More photos for all three of you following so far. :)

Photos of a pair of brochures - top is for the car itself, bottom is for accessories. The card below is a price card for the various accessories available - including a set of four pieces of luggage designed to stack in the trunk in a particular way, and pretty much fill up the available area. I've got this luggage set - though it's currently still in Atlanta.

These are some of the wood trim pieces that are currently detached. These pieces sit behind the front windscreen. I believe the notches out of the ends are built to snug up around the rearview mirror mount.

I've been doing some reading on the net - other folks' posts documenting their restoration efforts - and it seems that the joints on these pieces in the corners (you can see a lighter strip there) aren't the most rugged. So I think I'm pretty fortunate that these pieces are still in good shape and not getting ready to separate.

This piece is mounted above the steering column. (Originally thought it mounted below - so the photos were taken from that perspective. Mentally flip them over.) Quite a few holes to hold various switches. It's in good shape overall, but there is some minor damage - not so much "damage" as "wear" I suppose. There is a decent sized crack going between some of the switch mount holes on the left side. I'm hoping that this sort of damage is repairable. My plan is to have all the wood trim stripped down, reconditioned and refinished to a consistent shade.

Oddly enough, I had a couple of conversations with some folks on the big Yahoo group revolving around these cars yesterday - and one of the topics was the damage to some of the wood, and how the wood trim pieces can be the toughest parts to find.

Last night, I got an email from one fellow on the group, saying he has (I believe) a full set of the wood trim, and what do I need? This morning, I wake up to find a second email from another fellow with the dashboard piece, was I interested?

I have to admit, I was stunned. I figured these bits would be the toughest to find, that I would be hunting around for months - and in one day, two people turn up with these parts. Amazing!

FYI, for those of you interested, the Yahoo group folks also have a website with all sorts of great info: The first photo on the home page - under the title "Spotlight" - that's my car. Well, that's someone else's car, but it's the exact same as mine - 1958 220S sedan, black, same trim/moulding. That's what my car will look like again once I'm done with it.

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